Many global organisations have followed their foot prints
and are coming up with CSR initiatives for the community with whom they are
engaged. A few are taking proactive initiatives, while others are taking a
reactive stance. There are manyways in which the organisations work for the
betterment of the society. Some do it by building schools,colleges, libraries
and hospitals ,whereas others work for a cause, like fighting against diseases
like cancer, AIDS etc., campaigns for preserving water/forest/tiger, campaigns
for sustainability , climate change etc.
ITC has launched E- Choupal, an initiative to prevent the
middle men from exploiting the farmers. It is an e-procurement portal to
procure agriculture and aquaculture products, directly from the farmers. ITC
also contributes to primary education in villages by sharing the profit from
the sale of their Classmate notebook,
which gives consumers a sense of affiliation to the initiative, just by buying
Honda has recently come up with an awareness campaign to
restrain drivers from Multi-tasking ( Texting
& Driving). They have tried to communicate this message via a series of
Ads showing that Texting & Driving
is as difficult or complicated as Texting
& Cutting Hair, Texting &
Vacuuming, Texting & Making
Pancakes or Texting & Gardening.
Researches have revealed that the Customer won’t
mind paying a premium to buy products from those companies who are committed
and sensitive towards the society. They further pointed out that they also
acquire a more loyal customer base. .
In this time and age where
companies vie against one another for a distinct space in the minds of their
customers, a TV commercial or a billboard advertisement may last for a few
hours or days . But a brand image created by giving back to the society will
last for years, just the way it has lasted in my mom’s mind.J